
Personal Leadership

Part II: Exercises & Practices

In my last article, I wrote at length about definitions and terms. This was to get us into the right mindset, and to get a glimpse of our summit. What mountain are we climbing and what do we expect to find at the peak?

The View from Knapsack Col

The answer to the first question is we aim to write our grand strategy—variously called a ‘personal credo’ (Jim Loehr) or mission/vision statement’ (Stephen Covey). To the second question, the answer is we expect to find—through self-examination, deep reflection, and honest assessment—ourselves. This process is an annealing of our core selves, our inner citadel.

melting steel
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

The Cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

Joseph Campbel

This article is all about the exercises and practices by which we will gather the various ingredients we need to mix to produce our ‘grand strategy.’ It’s now that I need to emphasize this summit is not our final destination. What I mean is the rough draft ‘ultimate mission’ and ‘grand strategy’ is not where we stop. It is merely the first way-point on our journey.

To over-stretch the metaphor a bit, it is here that we acquire our map, compass, and other tools we will need to guide, direct, and lead us on life’s journey—the destination of which is for you to decide.

The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul.

David O. McKay


You only need four things: an approach, two tools, and a dichotomy. I suggest here a journaling practice with a professional approach. I’ll briefly describe the two tools to support your practice. But more importantly, I’ll detail the (false?) dichotomy of time versus energy management.

Journaling is my number one self-care practice. The root word jour, found in both journal and journey, comes from the Anglo-French jurnal from the Old French jornel meaning “a day; time; a day’s travel or work.” This leads to the Modern French journal, properly “that which takes place daily,” the adjective meaning “daily, of the day.” Day and daily are both derived from the Latin diurnus meaning “day,” related to “dairy” and “journal.” (I like Entymology online.)

ball point pen on opened notebook
Photo by Jessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquare on

All this is to say your daily (or twice daily) journaling should encompass your day’s work or travel—notes about your day. We will start ours with ‘reflective journaling.’ The rest of the post will present specific, Socratic-type (critical thinking) questions as a launch pad for reflective writing. These are exercises that help you build and solidify your physical and emotional awareness.

Moving forward your journal can become both a planning and review tool. You can record self-assessments used to help objectively observe and evaluate your choices and the resulting outcomes. Approached this way it becomes like a lab notebook recording your experiments and training results.

The journal becomes the place to collect self-knowledge, record awareness-building practices, and develop the skill of tuning in and understanding your internal states. The thing to remember now is that while journaling and responding to thought questions in an interesting activity on its own, the goal of these is two-fold. One, to gather data about yourself you are unlikely to discover any other way, and two, to use deliberate practice to build the skill of paying attention or listening to your interoception.

To ‘have a practice’…is to follow a rigorous, prescribed regimen with the intention of elevating the mind and the spirit to a higher level.

Stephen Pressfield, Turning Pro

Think of this journaling as a practice. As Stephen Pressfield writes in Turning Pro, “We come to a practice as Warriors,” but remember, “the real enemy is inside himself.” The space of the practice is sacred. Therein you exercise and strengthen the better angels of your nature and purge the imps and demons.

The professional displays courage, not only in the roles she embraces (which invariably scare the hell out of her) or sacrifices she makes (of time, love, family) or even in the enduring of criticism, blame, envy, and lack of understanding, but above all in confronting of her own doubts and demons.

Stephen Pressfield, Turning Pro

The Tools

It doesn’t matter what you journal in, nor what kind of pen or pencil you use. The key to choosing tools is picking ones you will use consistently. A feeling of enjoyment will increase consistency. Or more correctly, lack of enjoyment will eventually lead to abandonment.

Writing In

I’ve used cheap composition notebooks and steno pads. For a time, sold one the old world romance, I used Moleskine notebooks—different sizes, both side and top bound. I prefer lined paper but have used un-lined and gridded (though I never got into ‘Bullet’ journals).

You may find, as I have, that you need several different journals for different purposes. Most of my journaling occurs in a Leuchtturm 1917. I use A5 size, lined, anthracite, or sage hardcovers. Planning, executing, and evaluating my ‘training missions’ (longer discussion for a future post) I use a Levenger “Circa” notebook, ‘letter’ size (9 3/4 x 11 3/8), with a hardcover designed to look like a ‘Composition Book’—my lab notebook.

Physical training is tracked in an A6-sized ‘green book.’ ‘Green Book’ is a nickname for the government-issued green hardcover notebooks found in military administration and other government offices. The lined paper is perfect for Skillcraft government-issue ballpoint pens and No. 2 pencils. I have several of these ‘green books’ acquired while I was in the Navy and working for the Forest and Park Services.

When I’m out and about, I carry a hand-made “Traveler’s Notebook” with Midori refills (weekly planner and graph paper). This is for calendar time management and a capture tool rather than journaling. We will return to this tool in later posts.

Should have used a different background for that.
Writing With

For writing, just like my choice of paper, I gravitate to finer instruments but can use whatever is at hand. These could be pencils (I prefer ‘H’ hardness), cheap or free ballpoint ‘stick’ or ‘clicker’ pens from hotel rooms and other places. As far as ‘bulk’ pens go, I’ve been using Pilot’s G-2 07 or 10 ‘gel roller ball’ pens. I also like Uni-Ball’s Vision Needle.

Fancier? I have a Mont Blanc “Meisterstruck” roller ball—I love the pen, but not so much the refills. Fortunately, Monte Verde makes a fine point refill that has excellent ink flow.

My old (2000) Rotring 600 ballpoint and newer 800+ mechanical pencil (0.5mm lead in ‘H’ with tablet stylus tip) ride in my Traveler’s Notebook. In 20 years I used that Rotring to stroke thousands of citations. It now has some patina, character, and a wonky push button. I also use a Rotring ‘multi-pen’ (black, blue, and red ballpoint, and pencil lead) for marginations and note-taking while reading. Monte Verde refills for the multi-pen and Pentel refills for the 600.

At home, I love to use fountain pens. I use a Lamy Safari, several Pelikan Classic M 205s, and a Pilot Vanishing Point. But for the past two years, the only nibs that have touched my primary journal are the fine-point gold ones on my YSTUDIO pens. Pure joy writing with those.

Now having said all that—well, written, actually, with a Pilot G-2 10, in blue, on an OfficeMax Docket Gold legal pad—it doesn’t matter what you write with or in (or on). What matters is that you write.

Writing is one of the most powerful forms of energy investment for creativity. Writing is scientifically proven to best stimulate the neurological pathways for cognitive and emotional learning. Writing is a kind of psycho-neuromuscular activity that helps integrate the conscious and subconscious minds. Writing clarifies thought and helps break the whole into examinable parts.

Energy Versus Time

Time or energy? Which paradigm is more important? I think the question misses the mark. Like most dichotomies, there is a middle way.

Your time is finite. As mentioned here, and as we will talk about again in future posts, we need to embrace our finitude. There is nothing you can do to get more than 24 hours in a day. You cannot manage your time. You can only manage what you do with your time. This is what I will refer to as ‘personal management’ which we will discuss in depth in later posts of this series.

Right now we are still talking about ‘personal leadership.’ Since it’s clear you will need to ‘spend’ time (quantity) on these exercises, the question becomes “How?” (quality). Let’s focus then on the ‘energy management’ paradigm.

The Energy Management Paradigm

I learned about this concept of energy management at the Human Performance Institute Corporate Athlete program. Then again when I was certified to be a facilitator of that program. Doctors Jim Loehr and Jack Groppel are co-founders of the Human Performance Institute. I’ll lean heavily on Jim Loehr, Tony Schwartz (his co-author), and Jack Groppel’s books: The Corporate Athlete Advantage, The Power of Full Engagement, and The Only Way to Win.

Feeling forever starved for time, we assume that we have no choice but to cram as much as possible into every day. But managing time efficiently is no guarantee that we will bring sufficient energy to whatever it is we are doing.

Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement

The number of hours is finite and fixed. But the quantity and quality of energy is adjustable. Not infinite, for sure, but renewable and trainable. It is the skillful management and application of your energy to the time you have that determines your performance.

Every one of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has an energy consequence, for better or for worse. The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time we have.

Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement

The Corporate Athlete program teaches how to be “fully engaged” in your “Ultimate” and “training missions”—be it work, family, self, or other purpose. How can you ensure full engagement? By being physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned with a purpose beyond your immediate self-interest.

In short, if you want to approach this project of drafting your Ultimate Mission and Grand Strategy as Stephen Pressfield suggests—as a professional approaches a sacred practice—then you need to be fully engaged. You want to be energized, connected, focused, and aligned. Pick time blocks to do this when your energies are at their highest.

When I was working, that was early morning, before the demands of the day drained my mental and emotional energies. You’ll be able to intuit your best times. Perhaps in the evening when everyone else has gone to sleep, or mid-day after lunch.


Since we have been following the ideas of the Human Performance Institute, let’s start there with our exercises. The Corporate Athlete program takes participants through their ‘change process’ to get from disengaged to full engagement. To summarize:

  1. Define Purpose—answering the question “How should I spend my energy in a way that is consistent with my deepest values?”
  2. Face the Truth—as we regularly underestimate the consequences of our energy management choices, facing the truth begins with gathering as much credible, comprehensive, and objective data as possible.
  3. Take Action—that is to close the gap between who you are and who you want to be.


For the purpose of, well, finding your purpose, HPI suggests you set aside time to ask yourself and answer the following questions:

  1. What legacy do you want to leave behind (or how do you want to be remembered)?
  2. How do you want people to describe you?
  3. Who do you want to be?
  4. Who/what matters most to you?
  5. What are your deepest values?
  6. How would you define success in life?
  7. What makes your life worth living?

Answers to these questions for the core of what will eventually become the single most important document in your life: your Ultimate Mission. From your most cherished values, from the people you love and care most about, from life as it has been handed down to you, from all of your experiences—what is your most important mission in life? Your answer becomes the cornerstone of your new scorecard and your definitive moral stake in the ground.

Jim Loehr, The Only Way to Win


Since values have come up a few times already, let’s review what I feel is the best exercise for figuring out yours. As mentioned in the last post, this comes from Breneé Brown’s book, Dare to Lead. Here again is the list. As before feel free to add values that you don’t see on the list. Otherwise, circle or highlight all those virtues that most resonate with you.

Those first ten or twenty or however many you highlighted, Brown calls “second-tier values.” Now narrow this list down to your core two. Many of your second-tier values can be grouped as they relate to one another. The groups of second-tier values support your top two—provide texture to them, so to speak.

Character Strengths

The next exercise is easier. Follow this link (or here) to test your character strengths. There you can go through a scientifically validated series of questions to determine your top five character strengths. There too you can review all the character strengths and learn how to go about working on weaknesses. That is, as mentioned here, we all have these character strengths to varying degrees, though we may or may not express them at any one time. While I suggest you record, meditate on, and lean into your strengths, I also strongly recommend you recognize and work on any that are underutilized and detrained.

A value in action is a virtue.

Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement


There is no test for ‘your’ virtues. They are a choice of ideals to strive for. You could look at your top character strengths and recognize if you have more in any one virtue grouping as positive psychologists see them. Find a virtue lacking, you could set up a training mission to improve it. We will discuss “training missions” in a later article.

You could choose the Positive Psychology movement’s six:

  • Wisdom
  • Courage
  • Justice
  • Temperance
  • Humanity
  • Transcendence

Or you could consider the ancient Greeks’ simple cardinal four:

  • Wisdom
  • Courage
  • Justice
  • Temperance

And you could make up your own set or use verbiage that resonates with you as I explained here:

  • Wisdom
  • Courage
  • Justice & Humanity (Love?)
  • Temperance
  • Transcendence (Love, again?)

The Sage

The next exercise is to consider ‘the sage’ or a mentor (or several). Let’s look at ‘the sage’ first.

The Stoic Sage represents an ideal: a person who lives a life of perfect alignment with the four virtues. The figure of near-perfection is seen as having achieved moral and intellectual perfection, always acting rationally and remaining calm and composed no matter what happens around them. It is considered almost impossible to become a sage, but the concept provides an ideal for people to aim for.


‘The mentor’ is an archetype. An experienced advisor or confidante of a younger hero, the mentor has often been in the position of the hero in the past and therefore is in a position to guide them. Possessed of greater skill, knowledge, and experience than their student, they intend to pass on their knowledge and skill to their younger students.

Viewed archetypically, I have dozens of mentors I’ve never actually met. Joseph Campbell, because I’ve read everything he’s ever published. Viktor Frankl, Carl Jung, Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, Wesley Audrey, Captain “Sully” Sullenberger, Vice Admiral James Stockdale, Mammy Till-Moby, Fumiko Hayashida, Shirley Chisholm, Muhamad Ali, Theodore “Teddy” Rosevelt, Winston Churchill, Heddy Lamar, Gertrude Bell. And my list is subject to grow. Note that each of these has virtuous qualities that I admire.

One of the best examples of this practice is Book 1 of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations wherein he thanks various persons for their mentoring.

From Rusticus I received the impression that my character required improvement and discipline, …and I am indebted to him for being acquainted with the discourses of Epictetus, which he communicated to me out of his own collection.

Marcus Aurelius

Now you have several exercises and practices with which to get started drafting your “Ultimate Mission” Some of these also give you pieces of your “Grand Strategy”—your mission statement or credo. In the next article, we will take further steps to finish your Grand Strategy. Then from there, we will shift from ‘Personal Leadership’ to ‘Management.’


From Management to Leadership with Your Personal Credo, Part I

In a perfect world, this series of posts would have started in December. I like to do my annual review, amendments, and planning in December. Alas, we don’t live in a perfect world. Life happens. And that’s a reason one should want to develop their own personal mission, vision, or creed.

The most effective way I know to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement or philosophy or creed. It focuses on what you want to be (character) and to do (contributions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based.

Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

I first read Covey’s 7 Habits in 2014. It was on the Middle Leader Program reading list. From there I read First Things First, which is a much deeper dive into Habit Three.

Before this, I was a devotee of David Allen’s Getting Things Done. From Allen, I learned to manage projects and tasks. Covey taught there was more to the story. That we should start with personal leadership. Managers do things right. Leaders make sure we are doing the right things for the right reasons.

To this day I use much of what I learned from Allen’s books Getting Things Done and Ready for Anything. This time of the year I also like to listen to GTD Live, a live seminar recorded in 2008. GTD is all about personal management. And for me various iterations or versions of GTD have work well.

But that said, the more urgent, the more critical thing to do is to get our vision, purpose, or mission in life drafted. Once that garden is planted you can weekly and daily tend to the weeds.

Once you have that sense of mission, you have the essence of your own proactivity. You have the vision and the values that direct your life. You have the basic direction from which you set your long- and short-term goals. You have the power of a written constitution based on correct principles, against which every decision concerning the most effective use of your time, your talents, and your energies can be effectively measured.

Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

In deference to Allen’s idea that we should “clear the runway” first, we are going to jump into mission, vision, values, and purpose. This is in part because as I write this I am not drafting mine for the first time. Instead, I am doing my annual review, amending, and recommitting. This is much more effective than New Year’s resolutions. Actually, without this process resolutions are no more than hollow ideas we tend to abandon before the end of February.

But first a little more background to help explain the process. In 2015, I attended Corporate Athlete training presented by the Human Performance Institute. I certified through HPI In 2016 to be a facilitator of that training. HPI’s idea is to establish your “Ultimate Mission” first. Then to align all your energies — physical, mental, and emotional — to this self-transcendent idea.

Yes, this is where psychology returns somewhat to its roots in practical philosophy. Stick with me and we will lay some foundations for your philosophy.

Dr. Jim Loehr is one of the founders of the Human Performance Institute. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention his most recent book Leading With Character and the supplemental workbook The Personal Credo Journal. This book is generally aimed at the corporate world. It is filled with examples of leaders who did not engage their moral compass in their decision-making. I read the book and worked through the journal exercises in the winter of 2022-23. I’ll be showing here how we can operationalize some of that information and the journal exercises.

Because your personal credo represents the clearest, most accurate, self-determined articulation of your core beliefs, core values, mission, and purpose in life, it becomes your ultimate source code for determining right from wrong, for navigating the storms of life.

Jim Loehr, Leading With Character

Once we get this document lined out we will have at least a rough draft of our map of reality (not reality itself, more on that later). We will also have a compass, of sorts, to guide our decision-making on such things as roles, role-based goals, and how we fulfill those goals in service of those roles, in alignment with our self-determined purpose in life.

Golden compass map

While still in these philosophical clouds, we should also embrace our finitude. Realize “productivity is a trap.” You can’t and shouldn’t want to do “do it all.”

Becoming more efficient just makes you more rushed, and trying to clear the decks simply makes them fill up again faster. Nobody in the history of humanity has ever achieved “work-life balance,” whatever that might be, and you certainly won’t get there by copying the “six things successful people do before 7:00 am.” The day will never arrive when you finally have everything under control … and when the fully optimized person you’ve become can turn, at long last, to the things life is really supposed to be about.

Oliver Burkeman, Four Thousand Weeks

In Four Thousand Weeks, Oliver Burkeman poses five questions to better understand the default state of “insecurity and vulnerability of our provisional life.” He also provides ten tools for embracing our finitude. According to Burkeman’s math, I have roughly 1,565 weeks left of my (estimated) four thousand. For some this calculation could result in an existential crisis. I choose philosophy and spiritual practices over hiding in fear from reality. (And maybe the occasional “Jungle Bird” to help the medicine go down.)

I should explain what I mean by spiritual practices. These are not the same as the rituals that are intrinsic to religions and churches worldwide. For me, spiritual exercises are like those of Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations. As Pierre Haddot describes in The Inner Citadel:

The goal is to re-actualize, rekindle, and ceaselessly reawaken an inner state which is in constant danger of being numbed or extinguished. The task — ever-renewed — is to bring back to order an inner discourse which becomes dispersed and diluted in the futility of routine.

As he wrote the Meditations, Marcus was thus practicing Stoic spiritual exercises. He was using writing as a technique or procedure in order to influence himself and to transform his inner discourse by meditating on the Stoic dogmas and rules of life. This was an exercise of writing day by day, ever-renewed, always taken up again, since the true philosopher is he who is conscious of not yet having attained wisdom.

Pierre Haddot, The Inner Citadel

I also gleaned a few new practices last year from my reading of From Strength to Strength, by Arthur C. Brooks. We will look at these and a few other practices I’ve used over the years.

Finally, we will look at the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly levels of planning. Do you need to do all of them? Maybe not. Covey suggests “planning weekly” and “adjusting daily.” David Allen recommends a weekly review of your progress and processing of your system. If you are “capturing everything in a trusted system” then planning is almost moot. You’re getting things done within the context of the moment (this is the biggest gap in Allen’s system but acknowledging the gap you can overcome it easily enough). I used to do bi-weekly reviews at the end of a pay period.

In The One Thing, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan encourage us to take Pareto’s Principle to the extreme. They tell us to plan down to “the one thing [you] can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary.” Brian Moran and Michael Lennington, in 12 Week Year, argue that if you break your year down into four “years” each a set of 12 weeks, then you can get four year’s of work accomplished in one calendar year. Really? Maybe. Maybe not.

This brings me back to Burkeman — you cannot get everything done, nor should you try.

Elucidating Terminology

(aka Eschewing Obfuscation)

Before we jump into some thought experiments or other practices we should get a better understanding of our subject by way of defining terminology.

I’m going to be asking you to consider paradigms, vision, goals, and roles. Further, to draft a credo, mission statement, “Grand Strategy,” or “ultimate purpose.” So you might be wondering are these all the same thing? (No.) If not, how do they differ? And how pray tell do we operationalize all these phrases and terms? I will explain what these mean — at least how I define them.

Do You Have Change for a Paradigm?

According to paradigm is from the late Latin paradigma “pattern, example,” from Greek paradeígma “pattern, model, precedent, example.” In the 20th century paradigm began to be used in the more specific philosophical sense of “logical or conceptual structure serving as a form of thought within a given area of experience,” especially in Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Lillian was reminded of the Talmudic words: “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Anaïs Nin, Seduction of the Minotaur

Stephen Covey applies the metaphor of a map. We have maps in our heads that he divides into two categories:

assorted map pieces
Photo by Andrew Neel on
  • Maps of the “way things are,” our perception of realization.
  • Maps of the “way things should be,” that is, our values and beliefs.

But, Covey cautions, “The map is not the territory,” rather it is merely an explanation — our understanding — of our view of the explored parts of the territory. Explored versus unexplored territory is a philosophical and psychological metaphor we will save for a later discussion.

There is only a perspective seeing, only a perspective “knowing;” and the more affects we allow to speak about one thing, the more eyes, different eyes, we can use to observe one thing, the more complete will our “concept” of this thing, our “objectivity,” will be.

Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals

It is important to understand that if we are using the wrong map — a flawed paradigm — nothing we do, short of changing maps, will save us from being lost.

crop man with map in automobile
Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava on

Our paradigms are how we see the world — the filter or lens through which we perceive, understand, and interpret. Conditioning affects our perceptions and therefore our paradigms. Influences include family, school, church, work environment, friends and associates, current sociopolitical attitudes, and organizational indoctrination.

In developing our self-awareness many of us discover ineffective embedded habits that are totally unworthy of us, totally incongruent with the things we value in life.

Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Jim Loehr reminds us that any or all of these could be “flawed inputs” and lists several worth considering deeply:

  • Internal “fake news” and flawed moral reasoning — when our personal beliefs and biases masquerade as factual knowledge.
  • Flawed parental inputs — parents are imperfect and have deficiencies, “and just as they hand down to us their character strengths, they also hand down their character flaws, though usually unintentionally.”
  • Flawed cultural and religious inputs.
  • Flawed mindset inputs — there’s reality and then there’s our perspective or version thereof; my perspective represents reality to me and dictates how I will respond in a given situation.

It is our needs that interpret the world; our drives and their “For and Against.” Every drive is a kind of lust to rule; each one has its perspectives that it would like to compel all other drives to accept as a norm.

Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Flawed emotional inputs — emotional hijacking.
  • Flawed survival inputs — intense pressure, fear of failure, or humiliation: anything triggering a fight or flight response.
  • Flawed fatigue inputs — compromised physical or mental state; low physical or mental energy.
  • Flawed need inputs — strong needs for approval, attention, recognition, love, affection, self-esteem, etcetera.

While beliefs are notions we hold to be true, they may or may not have moral ramifications; they represent our interpretation of the world as we have come to experience it.

Jim Loehr, Leading With Character

Our paradigms (the way we perceive our values and beliefs) lead to what we do (our attitudes and behaviors). In turn, what we do leads to the results we get. Things that challenge our paradigms — especially those deeply submerged iceberg beliefs — are perceived to be a threat.

When we act contrary to our paradigms we experience at the least cognitive dissonance and worst moral injury. So if we want to change results we cannot just change our attitudes and behaviors, methods, or techniques. We must change the basic paradigms.

The more aware we are of our basic paradigms, maps, or assumptions, and the extent to which we have been influenced by our experience, the more we can take responsibility for those paradigms, examine them, test them against reality, listen to others, and be open to their perceptions, thereby getting a larger picture and a far more objective view.

Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This sounds a great deal like Nietzsche’s perspectivism. It also sounds an awful lot like Boyd’s orienting, and hints at Frankl’s gap between stimulus and response, Stoic ideas of an “inner citadel,” or what James Stockade called “that old roll-top desk where you really keep your stuff.”

Because we have already lived with many scripts that have been handed to us, the process of writing our own scripts is actually more a process of “re-scripting,” or paradigm-shifting — of changing some of the basic paradigms we already have. As we recognize the ineffective scripts, the incorrect or incomplete paradigms within us, we can proactively begin to re-script ourselves.

Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effectively People

Values or Principles

Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that get you what you want in your life. They can be applied again and again in similar situations to help you achieve your goals.

Ray Dalio, Principles of Life and Work

Covey defines principles as time-tested values that have worked through the ages regardless of their social context. He implies that there are universal values and therefore universal principles.

Without implying any universality, Ray Dalio agrees that all principles come from a set of values. Your values lead to your principles. Values are important. They define who you are or who you want to be. However, values are not practical to use when faced with tough decisions.

For example, let’s assume you value living a healthy lifestyle. But what exactly does “being healthy” mean in practice? What are the daily decisions you are going to make to be more health conscious?

Without principles, you would be forced to react to circumstances that come at you without considering what you value most and have to make choices to get what you want. This would prevent you from making the most of your life.

Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

Principles are what allow you to live a life consistent with those values. Principles operationalize your values. Considering the value of “living a healthy lifestyle,” you need to create a set of principles to guide your actions. Such as “I do not eat fast food,” “I exercise three times a week,” or “I go to yoga every Saturday.”

Principles connect your values to your actions; they are beacons that guide your actions, and help you successfully deal with the laws of reality. It is to your principles that you turn to when you face hard choices.

Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

Most of our principles — like our paradigms — come prepackaged from parents, religious institutions, schools, the military, and influential figures without thought. Herein lies the potential risk of inconsistency with your true values and actions.

Those principles that are most valuable come from our own experiences and our reflections on those experiences. Every time we face hard choices, we refine our principles by asking ourselves difficult questions.

Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

I’ve mentioned values several times I guess we should define them. While we are at it let’s also turn over a few stones to find ours.

Values are a set of mental processes that are both cognitive and emotional. They are unique to each of us. They are keystones of our paradigms and beliefs and are actualized through principles. As such they govern our behavior and guide the way we look at the world.

You have values whether you know it or not. Knowing your core values is a way of connecting with your inner self. Not knowing you run the risk of inadvertently going against them. Without understanding and alignment, we are on weak foundations.

Have a look at this list from Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead. Highlight underline or circle the words that most resonate with you.

Those first ten or twenty or so that you highlighted Brown calls “second-tier values.” Her challenge to us is to narrow this list down to your core two values. And, yes, Brown admits this is universally difficult. I settle for four. Like cardinal points on a compass, they help us to make decisions about which way to go to get to our destination — our purpose.

person holding gray and black compas
Photo by Pixabay on

Full disclosure, I have not read Dare to Lead. Colin Breck’s blog is where I heard of Brown’s exercise. In that blog post, he goes on to describe how many of the second-tier values can be grouped as they relate to one another. Therein we can refine our first list into two (or four) core values.

The second-tier values then support these values. When we are guided by clear values, we can continue to make choices about how to behave from a position of confidence, strength, and dignity rather than from anger, resentment, and insecurity.

Character Strengths

Character is defined as the combination of mental characteristics and behavior that distinguishes a person or group; as moral strength and integrity. As defined by Ralph Emerson, character is “a reserved force that acts by presence and without means.”

Character comes from the Greek kharacter meaning “engraved mark” also “symbol or imprint on the soul.” Following on the etymology is the common metaphor of engraving or carving our character as Michelangelo “revealed” David from the marble other sculptors had rejected. Dr. Loehr writes, “[I]n a sense we chisel our true essence from the bedrock of life.”

Character is destiny.


Character includes traits that reveal themselves over time in specific — and often uncommon — circumstances. Character strengths are viewed as specific psychological processes that define broader virtues. Character is shaped by beliefs.

With enough effort and motivation, changing one’s perspective and view of the world can lead to a shift in one’s character. What I think Heraclitus is saying is that people make their destiny through their value-based choices, as Loehr says, “one moral decision at a time.”

Building character strength is like building physical strength. When the test comes, if you don’t have it, no cosmetics can disguise the fact that it just isn’t there.

Stephen Covey, First Things First

Character is not static. It can be exercised like a muscle and therefore strengthened and reinforced. But too, it can atrophy if not put to work. You can maintain your character strengths and use those to exercise and improve any weaknesses.

As defined by the positive psychology movement, character strengths are the psychological ingredients — processes or mechanisms — that define virtues. Said another way, they are distinguishable routes to displaying one or another of the virtues (we will talk about virtues soon).

Positive psychology proffers we all have these character strengths to varying degrees, though we may not express them at any one time. So too these strengths may be underutilized and as such “detrained” — unavailable in time of need.

Character strengths can be taught and strengthened through training and repeated use. Research suggests that people who use these strengths every day are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and six times more likely to be engaged at work.

Pro tip: find a job that utilizes your character strengths often.

You can figure out your character strengths via the brief questionnaire here. By knowing your strengths and acknowledging weaknesses, you can go about improving them and benefit from exercising your strengths.


In The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz state, “A value in action is a virtue.”

Alignment occurs when we transform our values into virtues. Simply identifying our primary values is not sufficient. The next step is to define more precisely in our daily lives — regardless of external pressures.

Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement

The ancient Greek philosophers recognized four cardinal virtues: wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. The positive psychology movement adds “humanity” and “transcendence.” They argue “These six virtues are universal, perhaps explained by evolutionary biological process … as a means of solving the important tasks necessary for survival.”

Martin Seligman — founder of the positive psychology movement — provides brief definitions in his book Flourish. Further information and definitions can be found in Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman).

Wisdom is “knowledge hard fought for, and then used for good. …a form of noble intelligence — in the presence of which no one is resentful and everyone is appreciative.” Peterson and Seligman quote Kramer, “Wisdom involves exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge about the conditions of life and human affairs and the reflective judgment about the application of this knowledge.” They also quote the Berlin Max Plank Institute researchers: “Good judgment and advice about important but uncertain matters of life.”

Courage, writes Seligman, “Reflects the open-eyed exercise of will toward uncertain worthy ends in the face of strong adversity.” Peterson and Seligman follow Putnam’s “inclusive account of courage,” which includes three characterizations of courage:

Physical courage is the type involved in overcoming fear of physical injury or death in order to save others or oneself. Moral courage entails maintaining ethical integrity or authenticity at the risk of losing friends, employment, privacy, or prestige. Psychological courage involves that sort required to confront a debilitating illness or destructive habit or situation; it is the bravery inherent in facing one’s inner demons.

Daniel Putnam, Psychological Courage

Humanity includes strengths “displayed in positive social interaction with other people: friends, acquaintances, family members, and strangers.” The positive psychology movement separates the virtues of “Humanity” and “Justice.”

Justice they write, “generally refers to that which makes life fair.” “Intuitively perhaps,” they continue, “that means the equality of everyone.” The strengths of justice are in civic activities.

Following the Stoic idea of Oikeiôsis and “Hierocles’ Circles”, I put the two back together. Equal justice for all proceeds from an understanding, acceptance, and love of our common humanity. Perhaps love is a transcendence of both.

Temperance, according to Seligman, “refers to the appropriate and moderate expression of your appetites and wants. The temperate person does not suppress motives, but waits for opportunities to satisfy them so that harm is not done to self or others.”

Peterson and Seligman define Transcendence “as the connection to something higher — the belief that there is meaning or purpose larger than ourselves.” This is essentially the opposite of nihilism. They go on to quote Viktor Frankl:

Being human always points, and is directed, to something, or someone other than oneself — be it a meaning to fulfill or another human being to encounter. The more one forgets himself — by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love — the more human he is and the more he actualizing himself.

Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

Purpose & “Ultimate Mission”

People who labor all their lives but have no purpose to direct every thought and impulse toward are wasting their time — even when hard at work.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

To be clear, Peterson and Seligman are not saying religiosity or spirituality makes one virtuous. They do concede however that both are an example of transcendence. You need not be religious — implying a connection to formal institutions. Nor do you need to be “spiritual” to experience “self-transcendence.” I will follow Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz’s more “simple and elemental” definition of spiritual: “the connection to a deeply held set of values and to a purpose beyond our self-interest.” It is this “purpose” I want to talk about.

Can human beings find real fulfillment and well-being without knowing the “why,” or purpose, behind what they are chasing?

Can we find sustained happiness when our reason for chasing is maximizing our own pleasure and minimizing our own pain? That is, can a hedonistic life ever truly be a fulfilling life?

Is life more likely to be fulfilling when the purpose of our chasing is more about others than ourselves? To wit, how important is it to shift from a self-enhancing purpose to a self-transcending one?

Jim Loehr, Leading With Character

The scientific evidence indicates Aristotle, Seligman, Emmons, Frankl, Deci, Ryan, Gardener, and others are right. Eudaemonia or Flourishing comes from a positive, self-determined, self-transcending purpose.

We are teleological and purpose-driven. Our most potent, vigorous, and sustaining sense of purpose occurs when we transcend self-interest. We are nourished when the “why” behind what we do is intrinsic and other-centered.

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life … Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s talk is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.

Viktor Frankl

“Ultimate Mission” is the term the Human Performance Institute uses. To help one determine their ultimate mission or purpose, they ask you to answer seven questions:

  1. What legacy do you want to leave behind? Or, how do you want to be remembered
  2. How do you want people to describe you?
  3. Who do you want to be?
  4. Who/what matters most to you?
  5. What are your deepest values?
  6. How would you define success in life?
  7. What makes your life worth living?

Here are a few more:

  1. How would you like to hear people eulogize you at your funeral?
  2. What is worth denying for?
  3. What one-sentence inscription would you like to see on your tombstone?

In answering these questions we can, as Viktor Frankl said, detect true missions, rather than invent false ones.

Credo/Grand Strategy

Here we are back where we started.

We must not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.

T. S. Elliot

With that in mind let’s review the quote from Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “The most effective way I know to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement or philosophy or creed.”

Covey likens the personal mission statement to the U.S. Constitution — fundamentally changeless, but amendable, the standard by every law (decision) is evaluated, based on correct principles.

“Grand Strategy” is my preferred term. I like grand strategy more than an “immutable unchanging constitution” because strategy constantly evolves in response to changing reality including other people implementing their own, possibly con-travailing strategies. I’m borrowing of course from political science in which grand strategy is a methodology used by policymakers and practitioners to solve problems. For me, this is a progression from HPI’s “Ultimate Mission.”

Scholars broadly agree that grand strategy refers to something that has the characteristics of being long-term in scope, related to the state’s highest priorities, and concerned with all spheres of statecraft. The formulation and implementation of a grand strategy require the identification of a national goal, a thorough assessment of the state’s resources in a highly organized manner to achieve that goal.

Nina Silove, Beyond the Buzzword: The Three Meanings of ‘Grand Strategy’

“National goal?” That’s the “ultimate mission” or purpose you need to identify. “State resources?” These are your physical, mental, and emotional energies. You make an honest and thorough assessment of your energy levels and what’s needed to optimize them. Lastly, is the “marshaling of those resources [energies] in a highly organized manner to achieve that goal.”

An empowering grand strategy represents the deepest and best within you. It is the fulfillment of your unique gifts. Further, it deals with vision, your ultimate mission, principle-based values, character, and competence. Your grand strategy should address all the significant roles in life. Most importantly it should be written to inspire you, not impress someone else.

Because your personal credo represents the clearest, most accurate, self-determined articulation of your core beliefs, core values, mission, and purpose in life, it becomes your ultimate source code for determining right from wrong, for navigating the moral storms of life.

Jim Loehr, Leading With Character

By “grand” I am not encouraging grandiosity. Ambitious maybe, but not grandiose. Instead “grand” implies the over-arcing vision or strategy that encapsulates all lesser strategies and guides the alignment of means and ends.

By “lesser strategies” I mean those that guide your “training missions.” Those personal missions are aimed at improving character strengths or optimizing your physical, mental, and emotional energies much more on that in future posts.

Where to next?

Next (future posts) we will go through some exercises and thought experiments scientifically proven to help you discover your values, character strengths, paradigms, and principles. I’ve mentioned a few already, and we will revisit those.

From there we will drill down on a first draft of your ultimate mission, and your roles or identities. Once your roles are recognized you can decide on role-based goals and commitments. Importantly, we will discuss the “energy paradigm” and how you should optimize and renew yours regularly.

With that high-level thinking done, or at least a working draft in place, we can drop down a few levels at a time. The annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily planning and doing. This is where “personal leadership” downshifts (back) to “personal management.”


Use Your ‘Moral Compass’ to Become a Professional Law Enforcement Officer

In a recent issue of “Eighteen Eleven”—the monthly periodical for members of the Federal Law Enforcement Officer’s Association—Special Agent Jean Kanokogi, PhD, authored an article titled “5 Ways Law Enforcement Officers Can Embrace their Moral Compass.” Kanokogi is (was?) the FLEOA director of Mental Health and Peer Services.

“To be effective in their duties, it is crucial for officers to embrace their moral compass and uphold ethical standards. By aligning their actions with their sense of right and wrong, LEOs can foster trust, promote fairness, and ensure justice is served.”

—Special Agent Jean Kanokogi, PhD

Here I’ll expand on the ideas too briefly presented in the article. What exactly is this so called ‘moral compass?’ How does one reflect on ‘personal values,’ or for that matter, what are they? Why should we cultivate ‘empathy and compassion’—isn’t that a sign of weakness? Can we define ‘ethical leadership’ and how does this apply to those not in a leadership position? Lastly, what is this ‘community outreach’ stuff the author writes about?

VALOR Initiative Paradigm Shift

In this article I see hints to what the VALOR Initiative (BJA) calls a “paradigm shift for 21st century law enforcement.” This shift in thinking proffers three elements that define a professional law enforcement officer. That they strive to be:

  1. Scholars—with a commitment to life-long learning,
  2. Statesmen—proactively engaging the communities they serve,
  3. Guardians & Protectors—honoring their oath, performing their duties to the best of their ability, and actively pursuing their potential, to be someone’s hope in their time of need.

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

—Winston Churchill

Writing for VALOR, Dr. Roy Alston states, “we can be agents of change. Being a professional law enforcement officer requires a commitment to yourself, your fellow officers, and your community.” Where appropriate, I will tie the VALOR ideals back into Kanokogi’s five ways of embracing our moral compass.

“There is an inseparable connection between your professionalism, your continual development, and your safety. Professionalism leads to officer safety.”

—Dr. Roy E. Alston, VALOR Spotlight on Safety: Law Enforcement Professionalism

What is a Moral Compass?

Let’s start with a definition. Your ‘moral compass’ is your personal set of beliefs and values regarding right and wrong. Morals aren’t fixed. They may change as you face new experiences in life, gain knowledge, or cope with hardships.

More broadly ‘morality’ is what defines whether an action is perceived as good or bad, proper or improper. Morals guide your individual behavior within a society. Though sometimes used interchangeably, morals and ethics are not the same.

Ethics refers to community values—they are more culturally based. Ethics can and often do align with morals. But ethics tend to be the cultural, societal, or organizational standards that outline how ‘everyone’ within that group is expected to behave. For example, this law enforcement code of ethics.

So our moral compass is made up of our beliefs and values. Therefore, it may be helpful to articulate these and actively renew them (or revise them) to fit reality, throughout our lives. This brings us to Kanokogi’s first recommendation to “take the time to reflect on [our] personal values and beliefs.”

Values and Core Beliefs

Most don’t think of their values and core beliefs, they think with them.

Values and core beliefs are a set of attitudes, unique to each of us. They govern our behavior and filter the way we look at the world. You have them whether you know it or not. Knowing your personal core values is a way of connecting with your inner self. Not knowing, you run the risk of going against them. That leads to making choices that take you off the path. To creating cognitive dissonance or ‘moral injury.’

Have a look at this list:

Highlight, underline, or circle the words that most resonate with you. This diverse list of over 100 values, to which you can add your own, comes from Brene´ Brown’s book “Dare to Lead.” Her challenge to us is to narrow this list down to your core two values. And, yes, Brown admits this is universally difficult.

Those first ten or twenty or so that you earlier highlighted she calls “second-tier values.” The most difficult part is whittling that down to just two. I’m not as hard on myself and have accepted that I can get this down to four. Like cardinal points on my moral compass.

Those second-tier values can be grouped together as they relate to one another. Therein we can refine our first list into two (or four) core values. The second-tier values then support these values. When we are guided by clear values, we can continue to make choices about how to behave from a position of confidence, strength, and dignity.

Now that we have those top tier values lined out and the second tier values adding texture, we can reflect on them. I suggest a journal practice where you can meditate on the values as Marcus Aurelius did in his personal journals. Maybe a brief daily reminder, or a weekly deeper conversation with yourself.

“To ‘have a practice’ … is to follow a rigorous, prescribed regimen with the intention of elevating the mind and the spirit to a higher level.”

—Stephen Pressfield, Turning Pro

Think of this journaling as a practice. As Stephen Pressfield writes in Turning Pro, “we come to a practice as Warriors.” But remember, “the real enemy is inside himself.” The space of the practice is sacred. The journal then is sacred space in which you do battle with yourself. Therein you exercise and strengthen the better angels of your nature and purge the imps and demons.

“The professional displays courage, not only in the roles she embraces (which invariably scare the hell out of her) or the sacrifices she makes (of time, love, family) or even in the enduring of criticism, blame, envy, and lack of understanding, but above all in the confronting of her own doubts and demons.”

—Stephen Pressfield, Turning Pro

Throughout the book Turning Pro, Pressfield equates the path of the professional with the hero’s journey. As mentioned earlier, the VALOR initiative encourages the 21st century law enforcement professional to be a guardian. The word Hêrôs in ancient Greek meant not ‘warrior’ but ‘guardian.’ So, the professional is a hero, the hero is a guardian, the guardian is a professional.

The Strength of Compassion

The Eighteen Eleven article next suggests we “cultivate empathy and compassion.” These character strengths are “essential qualities.” They allow LEOs to “approach their work with fairness and understanding.”

“[L]aw enforcement officers must bridge between the community and the law enforcement agency. This bridging is accomplished by asking questions and treating citizens better than they expect to be treated while maintaining officer safety … fairly and with dignity.

“All law enforcement officers should understand four universal principles: (1) everyone wants to be important; (2) everyone wants to feel respected; (3) everyone wants to be appreciated; and (4) no one likes to be criticized, demeaned, or condemned. Violating any of these universal principles could result in diminished officer and citizen safety.”

—Dr. Roy E. Alston, VALOR Spotlight on Safety: Law Enforcement Professionalism

Before we go further, let’s take a step back and see what exactly we are cultivating here. The article suggests ’empathy and compassion.’ Is this to mean two different things or the same thing with different names? Hearing the word ‘empathy’ many may stop to wonder if it is in any way synonymous with sympathy. It’s not, but compassion is. Let’s try to straighten this out a bit.

“Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another.”


Empathy and compassion both refer to a caring response to someone else’s distress. The word ‘empathy’ was coined 1858 by German philosopher Rudolf Lotze. It’s a translation of Greek empatheia, “passion, state of emotion.” The word was modeled on German Einfühlung (from ein “in” + Fühlung “feeling”), which is an art appreciation theory, that maintains appreciation depends on the viewer’s ability to project his personality into the viewed object.

“Compassion: sympathetic consciousness of other’s distress together with a desire to alleviate it.”


While empathy refers to an active sharing in the emotional experience of the other person, compassion removes the emotional vicariousness, maintains instead a ‘consciousness’ and adds to that a “desire to alleviate” the distress. The online etymology dictionary tells us it’s from Latin compati, meaning com– “with, together” + pati “to suffer.” Latin compassio is an ecclesiastical loan-translation of Greek sympatheia.

“Sympathy: an affinity, association, or relationship between persons or things wherein whatever affects one similarly affects the other.


Sympathy is the (much) older of the three words—first known use in 1579. It comes from the Latin sympatheia, from the Greek sympatheia. I’m left wondering (and Google provides no good answer) why the German philosophers needed to create another word. Sympatheia by the way is the basis from which the Stoics move from self-interest to the interests of others and ultimately the cardinal virtue ‘Justice.’

“For perception is the origin of all appropriation and alienation (allotriosis); and Zeno and his followers [the Stoics] assert that oikeiôsis (appropriation or alliance) is the principle of Justice.”


Following ‘Hierocles’s Circles,’ Stoics taught we should always seek to draw the further circles—family, friends, neighbors, countrymen, all humans—towards ourselves. We’ll come back to this later.

For better or for worse word meaning evolves over time. This cute cartoon from TED, with over 1.3 million views on YouTube, indicates the current thought is empathy is good and sympathy is bad. I’m not convinced. I don’t think the giraffe is being sympathetic. I think the draft is a dismissive prick.

As psychology professor Paul Bloom argues, there seems to be some confusion about the three terms. He encourages us to think more accurately and more effectively about our relationship to moral terms. The title of Bloom’s book says it all—Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. To me the most compelling arguments in his book are those of scale and bias.

“Intellectually, we can value the lives of all … we can give them weight when we make decisions. But what we can’t do is empathize with more than one or two people at the same time. Try it. Think about someone you know who’s going through a difficult time and try to feel what he or she is feeling. Feel that person’s pain. Now at the same time do this with someone else who’s in a difficult situation, with different feelings and experiences. … Now add a third person to the mix. Now try ten. And then a hundred, a thousand, a million.”

—Paul Bloom, PhD, Against Empathy

In scientific studies of empathy, empathy has shown a way of narrowing our focus in a self-regarding way. That is we empathize more with those that either resemble us or those we find attractive. Bloom goes on to show how this can lead to tribalism or ethnocentrism and atrocities in the name thereof.

Bloom also drops this bit of information which kind of set me back on my heels:

“In his book on Buddhist moral philosophy, Charles Goodman notes that Buddhists texts distinguish between ’sentimental compassion,’ which corresponds to to what we would call empathy, and ‘great compassion,’ which is what we would simply call ‘compassion.’ The first is to be avoided, as it ‘exhausts the bodhisattva.’ It’s the second that is worth pursuing. Great compassion is more distanced and reserved, and can be sustained indefinitely.”

—Paul Bloom, PhD, Against Empathy

Coming back full circle, while working in a peer support capacity, I aim to activate as much empathy (and sympathy) as I can for those I’m supporting. But when it comes to decisions in the field, I try to be rational and compassionate. To make decisions based not on what the involved parties look like, or whether they seem more or less like me, or some other emotional push-pull.

My tools for cultivating rational compassion? Reading.Especially philosophy and psychology. Meditation—‘loving kindness’ meditation—and the work of Tara Brach (Radical Acceptance and Radical Compassion). With all of these new skills, start slow, start small, and start close to home. Once the tool is honed sharp then you can bring it to bare in LE encounters, being more TACTful and TACTical. As VALOR teaches, you “listen and explain with equity and dignity (LEED).” Stephen Covey calls this “seek first to understand and then to be understood.”

“Empathy [Compassion] means moving into the mind and heart of others to see the world as they see it. It does not mean that you feel as they feel. … Rather it means that you understand how they feel, based on how they see the world. Strictly speaking, you will never fully see it as others see it, but you try.

“Your attitude is: ‘I will try to understand. I may never understand, but I am going to try.’”

—Stephen Covey, Principle-Centered Leadership

Start by practicing self-compassion. While there is some evidence indicating this doesn’t grow empathy or compassion, it certainly doesn’t hurt, and your overall wellness will benefit. Heal your own trauma. If you hold on to unhealed trauma, you’ll likely traumatize others unintentionally. When you do the work to heal your psyche and connect to your should, compassion is a natural by-product.

Learn and practice active listening (which is great for building rapport with victims, witnesses and suspects).

Maintain a daily gratitude journal. Move beyond your self-referencing—practicing shifting your perspective away from excessively thinking about how something effects you.

Relax your dualistic judgements. Not everything is ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Practice being present. Try being fully present with everyone you encounter (more on this soon). This makes it easier to detect and read body language. You’re more likely to ‘feel’ what the other person may be thinking beneath the words. Like I said earlier, TACTful is TACTical.

Intentional engagement is the key to being a Statesman, and to your personal and professional health. Engagement is a personal choice. Professionals are not made by chance, but by choice. They develop over time through trials and by perseverance.

Continuously Seek Education and Training

In the last section we discussed quite a few practices and skills. This leads directly to Kanokogi’s next suggestion to continuously seek education and training. VALOR too admonishes law enforcement professionals to be scholars—life-long learners.

“Knowledge is the cornerstone of being a professional… The factors that matter are knowledge of the law (statutory and judicial), policies and procedures, interpersonal communication, and tactics.

—Dr. Roy E. Alston, VALOR Spotlight on Safety: Law Enforcement Professionalism

What else should we study? The article mentions enhancing our understanding of:

  • ethical standards,
  • community relations,
  • professional conduct,
  • and the “latest practices and developments in law enforcement.”

VALOR recommends, “participating in training that goes beyond the basics, such as:

  • casualty care and rescue tactics,
  • techniques used to defuse difficult encounters,
  • and recognizing “pre-incident indicators.”

The VALOR Initiative has free training in all these topics.

A few things I’d suggest:

  • Law–codified, statutory, and case law
  • Rules of evidence
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy

Don’t wait for ‘the agency’ to offer you training. Go find it. Go do it on your own. It should be obvious, but if you want to be an investigator, learn and study and train to be an investigator. If you want to be a leader, study leaders. Learn how to be a leader.

Strong, Ethical Leadership

And with that we arrive at the next suggestion—to “foster strong, ethical leadership.” Agencies should develop leadership programs. No one should be hired as a ‘leader’ without having passed through those programs.

“Leaders within law enforcement have a significant impact on the ethical behavior of their teams. It is essential for supervisors and higher-ranking officers to lead by example, demonstrating integrity, fairness, and ethical decision-making. By fostering a culture of accountability and ethical conduct, leaders can inspire their subordinates to embrace their moral compass and perform their duties with honor and integrity.”

—Special Agent Jean Kanokogi, PhD

“Leadership” is more nuanced than title or rank. The US Forest Service’s Middle Leader Program teaches anyone (everyone?) is a leader. You can lead down, out, or up, and I add lead ‘in.’ You may lead ‘down’ to direct reports. ‘Leading up’ describes how you influence your supervisors and managers. VALOR says, through Law Enforcement Professionalism we “set the standard and others will follow.” This is ‘leading out.’ Stephen Covey reminds us that all leadership starts with personal leadership—inside out. This is what I call ‘leading in.’

See yourself in all the various contexts in which you lead:

  • work,
  • family,
  • relationships,
  • community.

Your effectiveness as a leader will always be driven by your ability to inspire hope. Shane Lopez, PhD, in his book Making Hope Happen, reports:

“[W]hen Gallup asked followers whether their leader at work (typically a manager) made them enthusiastic about the future, of those who said yes, 69 percent were engaged in their jobs, scoring high on a measure of involvement in and excitement about their work. These engaged employees are the products of hopeful leadership. They are more innovative and productive than others, and they are more likely to be with the company for the long haul.

“Of those who said their leader did not make them enthusiastic about the future, a mere one percent were committed and energized at work. These disengaged workers are a threat to business, coworkers, and themselves. They not only fail to make meaningful contributions; they undermine the hard work of others, and they are likely to be more physically and mentally unhealthy than their coworkers.”

—Shane J. Lopez, PhD, Making Hope Happen

Hope boils down to:

  1. Goals—having future ones that excite you,
  2. Agency—you need to believe you have the ability, the wherewithal, to achieve those goals,
  3. Pathways—be willing to pursue multiple pathways over, around, or through obstacles.

Three things come to mind here. Angela Duckworth’s ‘Grit,’ Stephen Covey’s second habit of success, and Hercules at the crossroads.

Duckworth explains that ‘grit’ is composed of a passion, a practice, a purpose, and hope. See the circular connection here? Leaders with hope inspire hope. Hope is a cornerstone of employee engagement, involvement, excitement, innovation, and productivity. Gritty leaders have and thereby inspire hope. This hope encourages gritty employees.

In Memorabilia by Xenophon, Socrates tells the parable of Hercules at the crossroads. Approached by the female personifications of Vice (Kakia) and Virtue (Areté), Hercules is offered a choice: follow Kakia on a path of pleasure and leisure, or Areté on the severe and heroic path to eudæmonia. Hercules chooses Areté and the rest is history. Well, mythology anyway, but you get my meaning. The heroic journey is supposed to be hard.

Stephen Covey’s second habit of highly successful people is “begin with the end in mind.” He also insists we lead ourselves first from dependence, to independence, to interdependence. To begin with the end in mind means to know what the goal is.

“[T]he most fundamental application of ‘begin with the end in mind’ is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined.”

—Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People

So by design—not by accident—leaders develop their self-awareness. In the words of Jocko Willink they ‘take Extreme Ownership.’ Then inspire hope in the goal, and encourage and empower others to achieve those goals.

Engage in Community Outreach

Last up in the Eighteen Eleven article is the admonition to “engage in community outreach.”

“Building and maintaining positive relationships with the community is vital for law enforcement officers. Engaging in community outreach initiatives allows officers to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and concerns faced by the people they serve.”

—Special Agent Jean Kanokogi, PhD

VALOR initiative’s second element in their definition of a law enforcement professional is to be a statesman. To actively engage the community you serve. How? ‘Coffee with a cop,’ Explorers, ride-alongs, community outreach programs, after school programs, visitor centers, entrance booth, interpretive information postings, tourist attractions, recreational spaces, stores and businesses on the beat,…

I could go on. The list could be nearly infinite if you think of community engagement in the way Barbara Fredrickson might. In her book Love 2.0, she explains what she calls ‘positivity resonance.’

“Within those moments of interpersonal connection that are characterized by this amplifying symphony—of shared positive emotions, biobehavioral synchrony, and mutual care—life-giving positivity resonates between and among people.”

—Barbara Fredrickson, PhD

Now I know I may have just made a few of you queasy with the ‘L’ word, but hear me out. Law enforcement officers are guardians in service to something higher than themselves—the community. This makes them heroes in the purest sense of the ancient Greek word ‘hêrôs.’

Like a hero’s journey we are returning back to where we started. That is, your personal values and compassion. The hero returns to the normal world with “the boon” or the healing elixir. Joseph Campbell describes this stage of the journey as the hardest part.

“The whole idea is that you’ve got to bring out again that which you went to recover, the unrealized, un-utilized potential in yourself. The whole point of this journey is the reintroduction of this potential into the world; that is to say, to you living in the world. You are to bring this treasure of understanding back and integrate it in a rational life. It goes without saying, this is very difficult. Bringing the boon back can be even more difficult than going down into your own depths in the first place.”

—Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss

Consider the Stoic virtue ‘Justice’ and the positive psychology virtue ‘Humanity.’ They both require the character strength ‘Love.’ Love is a transcendence of the virtues ‘Justice’ and ‘Humanity.’

Through the doctrine of oikeiôsis—appropriation, affinity, a sense of belonging—Stoics saw humanity as a single community, in which we are all relatives and citizens of the world and universe. We find more meaning in our lives when we overcome our small self, and let our actions be guided towards something higher, like the common good.

The hero’s journey then is from the ignorance and alienation of infancy and adolescence, to ethical self-transformation, wisdom, and human flourishing. As Covey put it, from dependence to independence to interdependence. Love is the key to unlocking the doors between these stages.

Bringing this down out of the ethereal for a minute, what does this look like day-to-day, moment-to-moment? How do we apply this, practice this? Fredrickson says, practice searching for ‘micro moments of positivity resonance.’

Try smiling at the barista. Say “thank you” to to the person at the drive-through window, or “I appreciate you” to the cashier. Appreciate someone else’s good fortune—even it is only silently to yourself.

Remember that journal I mentioned where you were going to meditate on your values? Start taking things as granted in stead of for granted. That is, write down three things you are grateful for everyday.

Wrap Up

And there we have it. Five way long riffs on Special Agent Kanokogi’s article “5 Ways Law Enforcement Officers Can Embrace Their Moral Compass:”

  1. Reflect on your personal values
  2. Cultivate empathy and compassion
  3. Continually seek education and training
  4. Foster strong, ethical leadership
  5. Engage in community outreach.

And folding in the VALOR initiative’s three elements defining 21st century law enforcement professionals to be:

  1. A scholar—with a commitment to life-long learning
  2. A Statesman—proactively engaging the community you serve
  3. A Guardian and Protector—with knowledge that you will be someone’s hope in their time of need.
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